make it longer, the begining could be a transition in a trance mix =)
make it longer, the begining could be a transition in a trance mix =)
Yea thats why I made the beginning like that :D
I wanted someone to mix it, that would be sooo cool :D
I just hate the 0 bombers.... O well, the score is not EVERYTHING...
Thanks alot for listening tho :D
This is Very Very good
I dont listen to funk but this sounds good. It could be used in a game menu or as elevator music xD. But yea nice job keep it up.
hey thanks man!!!
This is Ok
this is ok not my kind of trance.
I see some one bombed your song, same happend to mine thats above yours i would upload it again later like i am.
Even if I would upload this later it'll still get 0-bombed like every other song.
Thanks for the review!
Woh Woh Woh
This is Pro make it longer and itll sell.
Cool XD
Ty for reviewing!
=D This is Very Good
It has everything well done and mixed, eq'd everything. if you could; make it into a house song. In the begging it had a house sound and then i looked.
Overall Great song (You should seriously make iinto a house song) keep it up!
Maybe use a Trance or hardstyle kick...
you should use a louder more powerful kick
yea ive been trying to find that perfect kick that goes in with everything!
Great minds think alike
dood you have the same riff thing ass me but mine is better =P check mine out maybe we can work together the entry is right above yours.
This sounds cool, the beggining of the song sounds like cannon the way it goeas up and down.
Thanks! I'm glad somebody finally likes my music again.
i dont really listen to ambient music but,this was amazing so dont get mad at me if certain things are supossed to be that way and i say they sound weird =). This was the coolest At the beggining and then i heard the kick and my mind was blown. But then i heard the snare and that ruined it a bit. Then the piano came in and it didnt really blend with the backround chords, you should bring the chords out so the piano doesnt stick out and sound weird.
There is no beat or melody.
Listen to high rated songs on this website or proffesional dj's, Practice, Be imagenative(probly spelled wrong), Dont be discouraged.
Do all of this and youll get better within a few months look at my first song and listen to all the ones after it i have improved.
There is a beat and melody.
I do listen to high rated songs on this website. Don't vote 0 and tell me not to be discouraged :\
Age 30, Male
Pachal High School
Fort Worth,Texas (USA)
Joined on 3/14/09